We at The Center for Bioethics and Culture have so much cause for gratitude. We are thankful for your faithful commitment to our work.

Because of your generosity, we are able to continue spreading our message across the globe, illuminating the stories that fuel our passion. We are humbled by and grateful for your ongoing support and encouragement.

You make our work possible.

Thanksgiving is a time that is meant to be shared with those who labor alongside us. We are blessed with so many dedicated people and organizations who work tirelessly to champion our work for the greater good.

Most importantly, we are thankful to the Author of the life we defend for providing the resources to keep our work moving forward.

We send you every best wish as you gather with family and friends.

For our shared human future,

The Board of Directors & Staff
The Center for Bioethics and Culture

To donate to the CBC, click here.

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