We live in unprecedented times, when what was known for thousands of years, that we are created male and female, is now up for debate.  It is now controversial to see that sex is binary, that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and that men should not enter women’s sports, women’s bathrooms, and women’s prisons, merely for saying that they are a woman. We are witnessing a rapid rise in gender confusion among young people, especially among young women and girls.

The Detransition Diaries is both personal and historical. It is personal in that it recounts the stories of five women and two men who felt they were born in the wrong body and believed the lie they were told by peers, teachers, and medical professionals that they could be their “true” selves by medically and surgically altering their bodies to match the opposite sex. Their stories describe the short- and long-term harm that so-called gender-affirmative medicine did to their mental and physical health. The book is historical because it outlines the history of the “gender-affirmation” movement, including the various individuals and organizations who have peddled the idea that the sexual binary is arbitrary.

The book closes with an analysis on how this dark chapter in medical abuse might end and what is needed for medicine to regain its obligation to do no harm.

“A trenchant critique of the radical ideology and junk science underpinning the ethical scandal unfolding in America’s gender clinics.”
— Helen Joyce, Author, Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality

“Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell, with courage born of compassion, give voice to the victims of gender ideology and the gender-industrial complex.”
— Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University

“An indispensable exposé of one of the greatest medical scandals of all time—the ideological quackery known as ‘gender affirming care’.”
— Jay Richards, Ph.D., William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation

“This carefully reported, compelling book gives voice to the complexity, confusion, and suffering experienced by young men and women who undertook and then reversed a ‘gender journey’. Measured, unsensationalized, but devastating, it is an intervention on behalf of patients’ voices.”
— Mary Harrington, Author, Feminism against Progress

“This book skillfully presents the victims of transgender ideology, while also placing this latest misdirection of medicine in a historical context with other violations of medical ethics.”
— Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., President, Ethics and Public Policy Center

“Jennifer Lahl is a brave and tenacious defender of the rights of vulnerable people. In an age when too few people have been willing to confront the truth about abuses within the medical industry, Lahl’s is a precious voice.”
— Louise Perry, Author, The Case Against the Sexual Revolution

“A courageous and compassionate counternarrative via the heart-wrenching stories of formerly transgendered people who ‘detransitioned’ and resumed identities consistent with their biological sex.”
— Wesley J. Smith, Chair, Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism

This book offers historical context, moving personal stories, and a thorough explanation of why teen girls, especially, are being sucked into the transgender vortex.”
— Don Johnson, Producer, Dysconnected 

“A candid exploration of the history and harms of so-called gender affirming care, arming parents with essential truths. By exposing the harms of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, this book empowers parents to regain trust in their own expertise.”
— Tiffany Justice, Cofounder, Moms for Liberty  

Press Release:

Will the Voices of Detransitioners Finally Be Heard?
Detransitioners get a voice in new book about devastating pro-trans movement

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14, 2024 – The pro-trans movement is loud and demanding yet their dark underside is rarely discussed — until now. THE DETRANSITION DIARIES, by Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell, gives detransitioners a voice and reveals the horrifying truth about the medical, mental and physical abuse happening within the trans movement.

THE DETRANSITION DIARIES tells the stories of five women and two men who felt they were born in the wrong body and believed the lie they were told by peers, teachers and medical professionals that they could be their “true” selves by medically and surgically altering their bodies to match the opposite sex. Their stories describe the short- and long-term harm that so-called gender-affirmative medicine did to their mental and physical health. THE DETRANSITION DIARIES also outlines the history of the “gender-affirmation” movement, including lack of research into puberty blockers and the medical abuse many of these transitioners of suffered.

Lahl is the founder and former president of the Center for Bioethics and Culture (CBC). She spent twenty-five years in pediatric nursing and senior-level hospital management before founding the CBC. An award-winning documentary maker, she has produced several films, including Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender?, The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our
Sisters, and The Lost Boys: Searching for Manhood. Fell is the executive director of the Center for Bioethics and Culture and a perinatal nurse. In addition to coproducing documentaries for CBC, she hosts the podcast “Venus Rising,” and is the program director for the Paul Ramsey Institute.

THE DETRANSITION DIARIES is a sequel to their 2022 film, The Detransition Diaries: Saving
Our Sisters, which highlighted the stories of mostly young girls who transitioned as teenagers and then decided to detransition for a variety of reasons. “Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell, with courage born of compassion, give voices to the victims of gender
ideology and the gender-industrial complex,” said Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University.

For more information, to request a review copy, or to schedule an interview with Jennifer Lahl and
Kallie Fell, please contact Kevin Wandra (404-788-1276 or
KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com) of Carmel Communications.

To reach us comment or interview please email Kallie Fell at Kallie.fell@cbc-network.org. To request a review copy of the book, please email Kevin Wandra at kwandra@carmelcommunications.com

Media Links

When you make a $30 donation to the CBCNetwork, you will receive a gift copy of this book coauthored by founder Jennifer Lahl and Executive Director Kellie Fell. For $40 donations, we will send you a copy signed by the authors!

You can also order the book directly from the publisher, Ignatius Press. Find it on Amazon, where it is the number one bestseller in its category!

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"Learning from Detransitioners" with Kallie Fell

by Youth Culture Matters Podcast

Kallie Fell and Jennifer Lahl on In The Market with Janet Parshall

by In The Market with Janet Parshall

To raise money for the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, you can now make a donation to our organization and receive a free gift of The Detransition Diaries, published by Ignatius Press and coauthored by Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell. Donate $30 and you will receive this book as our gift, with free shipping. For a $40 donation, your gift copy will come signed by the authors!

“A trenchant critique of the radical ideology and junk science underpinning the ethical scandal unfolding in America’s gender clinics.”
 – Helen Joyce, Journalist, author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, working with Sex Matters campaign group