Last week, we asked you which of the topics we cover at the CBC is most relevant to you, our readers. Of those who responded, nearly 50% indicated that information related to gender identity is a top priority for them. To that end, we thought it might be helpful to compile a list of some of the work we’ve done in this arena in order to equip you with resources to inform your own work and understanding. 

First, a clarification as to why this topic is relevant to our work in bioethics in the first place. In short, it has profound implications on both women’s and children’s rights, and opposition to #BigPharma’s and #BigFertility’s corruption of science at the expense of human flourishing has always been central in our work. From our documentary films to our Venus Rising podcasts and articles addressing these issues, we’ve worked to consistently provide useful information about them. We’ve broken down our resources into categories below and hope you’ll find them helpful as you navigate this issue in whichever way it presents in your own life and advocacy.

Women’s Rights

Children’s Rights



Author Profile
