The Board of Directors of

The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network

cordially invites you to


The Twelfth Annual Paul Ramsey Award Dinner


John F. Kilner, PhD
2015 Paul Ramsey Award Recipient


Special Interview With

Jessica Kern
Featured in our Breeders: A Subclass of Women?



Diablo Country Club
Diablo, CA


Saturday, April 18, 2015
Reception at 5:30 pm / Dinner at 6:30 pm


RSVP by March 27, 2015

Limited Seating / Business Attire
An Appeal for Financial Support will be Given



Now Closed



The 2015 Paul Ramsey Award Recipient: John F. Kilner, PhD

Dr. Kilner is is the Franklin Forman Chair of Ethics, Professor of Bioethics and Contemporary Culture, and the Director of the Bioethics Program at Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois.

CBC’s Paul Ramsey Institute Scholar Gilbert Meilaender, Ph.D., said of Dr. Kilner’s selection:

In the important effort to think in Christian terms about bioethical concerns, John Kilner has for decades been a significant figure. Both in his own writing and, perhaps even more, in his ability to draw others into shared projects John has helped us all reflect seriously on the ways in which Christian belief can respond to issues raised by clinical and research medicine.

From 1994—2005, Dr. Kilner served as President and CEO of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity, and presently serves as a Senior Fellow in their Academy of Fellows. Articles he has written have appeared in such periodicals as the Hastings Center Report; Journal of Health Politics, Policy, & Law; American Journal of Public Health; Archives of Internal Medicine, Hospital Practice; and Ethics & Medicine. He has written or edited more than 20 books, including Dignity and Destiny: Humanity in the Image of God (2015).

Jessica Kern

Jessica was born via one of the first contract surrogate pregnancy arrangements in the United States. As an adult she has become an advocate who writes, speaks, and provides important, first-person testimony on what it means to be born through third-party conception arrangements, particularly surrogacy agreements. She relates her story in our latest documentary film, Breeders: A Subclass of Women?

Who Was Paul Ramsey?

Paul Ramsey (1913–1988) is regarded by many as one of the most important ethicists of the twentieth century. He served as Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion, Princeton University and was a distinguished and prolific writer on bioethics during the advent of the field in the early 1960s. Ramsey’s commitment to the sanctity and dignity of human life has shone with clarity and brightness as a beacon in the general darkness of academic bioethics for the past fifty years.

What is the Paul Ramsey Award?

The Paul Ramsey Award is presented by the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network to those who have demonstrated exemplary achievement in the field of bioethics by equipping our society to face the challenges of the twenty-first century, defending the dignity of humankind, and embracing ethical biotechnology for the human good. Past recipients include Edmund D. Pellegrino, Gilbert Meilaender, Leon R. Kass, and Mary Ann Glendon.





















2015 Ramsey Dinner Sponsorship Levels

Paul Ramsey Sponsor: $15,000
Recognition in the evening’s program and two complimentary tables for 20 of your guests, designated with your organization’s identity at the dinner, organizational logo on the CBC’s website, signed copies of Dr. John Kilner’s new book, Dignity and Destiny for your table guests, a display table at the dinner, and invitation to the VIP cocktail hour.

Edmund D. Pellegrino Sponsor: $10,000
Recognition in the evening’s program and two complimentary tables for 20 of your guests, designated with your organization’s identity at the dinner, organizational logo on the CBC’s website, and signed copies of Dr. John Kilner’s new book, Dignity and Destiny for your table guests.

Lifetime Sponsor: $5,000
Recognition in evening’s program and a complimentary table for 10 of your guests, designated with your organization’s identity at the dinner, organizational logo on the CBC’s website, and signed copies of Dr. John Kilner’s new book, Dignity and Destiny for your table guests.

President’s Circle Sponsor: $2,500
Recognition in evening’s program and a complimentary table for 10 of your guests, designated with your organization’s identity at the dinner, and a full set of all three of CBC’s reproductive technology documentaries for your table guests.

Table Sponsor: $1,000
Recognition in evening’s program and a complimentary table for 10 of your guests, designated with your organization’s identity at the dinner.

For more information about the 2015 Paul Ramsey Award Dinner please contact Amy McRoberts.




















Author Profile
