Register now for On Human Dignity: Who Gets a Seat at the Table?
the Spring Francis Schaeffer Lecture, co-sponsored by The CBC and Covenant Theological Seminary, Friday-Saturday, February 27-28, in St. Louis, MO see a full conference schedule:

Some of the most critical cultural issues of the 21st Century all lead to one question: What does it mean to be human? Is a human being defined by productivity or contribution to society? Or age? Or race? Or intellect? Scientific advances, while offering benefits, can also strike at the core of what it means to value and protect human life in whatever form it comes. Is the Church prepared for an era when what it means to be human is called into question? Are we able to see the image of God in every human being?

Join us and interact with scholars in medicine, theology, and ethics to become more prepared to confront one of the most pressing apologetic issues of our day. Register to attend.

Speakers include:

Nigel Cameron, Ph.D, Executive Chairman, the Center for Bioethics and Culture. B.A. Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge; Ph.D. University of Edinburgh; graduate diploma in Business Administration from the Edinburgh Business School.
Richard Winter, Professor of Practical Theology. M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P. and M.R.C.S., University of London; Member of Royal College of Psychiatrists (U.K.).
Jerram Barrs, Professor of Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture and Resident Scholar of the Francis Schaeffer Institute. B.A., University of Manchester (England); M.Div., Covenant Theological Seminary.

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