WoLF and ABSA logos

StopSurrogacyNow is pleased to announce that the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), and Abolish Surrogacy Australia (ABSA), will be joining the global StopSurrogacyNow campaign.

WoLF, a woman only organization, is a radical feminist organization dedicated to the total liberation of women. They see surrogacy as just another way to exploit women, and Natasha Chart, board chair with WoLF said, “Women and children should never be for sale, for any reason.”

ABSA is a new Australian group that is joining with SSN to abolish all surrogacy. Dr Renate Klein, a founding member of ABSA, said,

“We are delighted about this new group, which we see as an umbrella organisation of other Australian groups that oppose surrogacy. We believe that we can reduce the demand for altruistic surrogacy in Australia by informing the general public and policy makers of the harm inherent in all surrogacy for the birth mother, the egg ‘donor’ and the children created from surrogacy. There are more ethical ways of having children in your life than jeopardising the physical and psychological health of two women so that you can have ‘your’ baby. It is possible to abolish surrogacy. Our humanity depends on it.”

For more information on ABSA, see the group’s mission statement.

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