
Stop Vientres de Alquiler (Stop Wombs for Rent) is a feminist Spanish project whose main aims are to promote knowledge about surrogacy and to enhance social awareness of this form of violence against women, girls, and boys.

To achieve this objective, we collect, analyze and disseminate all available information on this abhorrent practice of surrogacy and its consequences for women and children. Further, we create informational, educational and communication materials, we also give talks in community centers, we periodically run campaigns on social networks and we provide advice to associations, media and civil society. We tell the truth about surrogacy – that it is just reproductive exploitation and children trafficking.

As feminists, we cannot turn a blind eye to this patriarchal industry, where motherhood is being discarded while fatherhood is becoming more and more sacred. We hope the Spanish Government keeps banning surrogacy. And at the international level, we ask for an international convention against all forms of surrogacy (altruistic and commercial) in the line of other international conventions such as slavery, human trafficking, and trafficking in minors.

Stop Vientres de Alquiler was born in April of 2017 and it is based on a community of more than 10,000 people through social media networks.

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