Dear Supporters of Human Dignity,
The last two weeks have been full of the unexpected. Like you, I had a full schedule planned for last week—ending with an early family Christmas gathering in my home for over 20 guests this past Saturday.
About two weeks ago I got a call from The Dr. Oz Show producer, asking if I would fly to New York to participate in a feature segment on fertility. I would represent our position and concerns, but others guests would have considerably different perspectives and opinions.
In a matter of just a few days tickets were cut. Last Thursday morning I caught an early morning flight to New York for the taping of The Dr. Oz Show on Friday. Friday evening I caught a return flight so I could be home for the family Christmas gathering on Saturday.
The scheduled air date of this program is January 19. Knowing media as I do, this could change but I encourage you to mark your calendar now and I will get an update out in the week before—if things don’t change.
The taped segment was educational and informative. There was no contentious spirit. Dr. Oz was very engaged and personally seemed to be very supportive of our view. The interaction with guests that do not share our conviction was genuine and constructive. Now what was taped will be edited in post-production to meet the time restrictions. Pray that the editing will be “fair and balanced.”
Because of controversy earlier this fall it continues to amaze me how word is getting around that there is another side of the story that needs to be told than what is advocated by the secular bioethics industry. I am glad to be a spokesperson, but at times this is emotionally draining.
I am depending on your prayer support and generous financial partnership. What we are doing together is full of twists, turns, surprises, disappointments, and victories. Together we are seeing breakthroughs that I never dreamed possible even two years ago.
Jennifer Lahl
PS — Help us meet the $50,000 matching grant. Every dollar you give will be matched with a dollar. If you give $50, they’ll give us another $50. You give $100, they will give us $100. Click below to give a gift that is doubled. Plus, for any gift that you give over $50, we will send you a free copy of Anonymous Father’s Day.
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