Dear Friends,Our tenth year has been a busy one! We are excited to announce the successful August 9, 2010 release of the CBC’s second documentary, Eggsploitation. We have been fighting the exploitation of women by egg ‘donation’ for some time, and as more and more states are considering egg donation legislation, the timing of our release has proven to be quite strategic. Requests for showings are coming in faster than we can set dates, and people are already talking, blogging and organizing around this film! Watch the film and listen to Alexandra, Sindy, and Calla tell their own story. Their ability to articulate their struggles in the wake of their egg donation experience is astounding, and their courage to speak up will inspire other young women to join their voices against the growing demand for human eggs, the latest human commodity.Reflecting on the successes of Eggsploitation reminds me that many of you played an indispensable role in our film through generous financial support, and we are so grateful for that.And really, the work in fighting eggsploitation has only just begun! Producing a film is remarkable, but now the CBC is faced with international marketing demands to translate and show the film all around the world! Countries like Romania and Poland—where young women are especially threatened to sell their eggs—are eager to have access to this film in their native language. And we have shown the film on Capitol Hill, with Senator Tom Coburn, M.D., (R–OK) as our main congressional sponsor. With several screenings on colleges and universities across the nation, we are already gaining further traction for the fall.We know we are not alone in this fight, and so we are dreaming big about expanding our network and extending our reach with this film. There are very tangible ways you can be involved. Talk to your local independent theatre about setting up a community showing. Invite your neighbors over for a home viewing. But please, consider financially supporting a specific component of post-production marketing, where our needs are most immediate. The Capitol Hill show alone will cost us approximately $5,000. There is so much more we need to do in order to maximize the audience reach of this film, which has already been endorsed by people of all religious, political, and ethical persuasions. Eggsploitation is more than a documentary. It’s a reality that we need to fight in order to safeguard the women in all of our families and communities—all over the world.For more information, or to learn how you can get involved, email us at the eggsploited,Jennifer LahlCBC PresidentP.S. Dr. William Hurlbut, Stanford Professor and former member of the President’s Council on Bioethics recently said to me, “The CBC is the most constructive and effective organization in the arena of bioethics—support of their work is a contribution to the future of our civilization.” Please consider making a gift to The CBC today.

Lines That Divide — The Stem Cell Battle Continues

The past month of stem cell news has made it clear that the debate over embryo-destructive research is as heated as ever.In late August, the Obama Administration’s embryonic stem cell policy was decided to be in violation of the 1996 Dickey-Wicker amendment. Despite this, funding has continued after the U.S. Court of Appeals lifted the injunction. Dickey-Wicker has long been a “bulwark against barbarism,” to prevent the rampant destruction of nascent human life for research. And it appears to be one of our last stands for human dignity in stem cell research.Our 2009 film Lines That Divide frames the ethical debate between embryonic and adult stem cell therapies, helping to shed light on these recent legal developments. Visit

Purchase the CBC’s documentariesEggsploitation AND Lines That Divide$29.99 + S&H a savings of $6.99

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