Last April we reminded you that CBC has been working quietly, but diligently, behind the scenes to produce a film that would expose the truth about the worldwide human cloning agenda. Our documentary, Lines that Divide: The Great Stem Cell Debate is finished! It has been shown at theaters, at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. and now on television all over the country!
After completing a project like this it might be tempting to rest on our laurels. But it is becoming more clear to us that our effort to protect humanity is only beginning. Recent changes in federal policies will increase federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. New York state has given the green light to pay young women up to $10,000 for their eggs to do more human cloning and stem cell research. And the Dickey-Wicker amendment, which has been in effect since 1996, prohibiting federal funding of creating OR destroying embryos is set to expire the end of 2009. This film and the work of the CBC is just at the beginning!
Do you think you know all about stem cell research? The debate raging over this controversial science has only just begun. This film seeks to educate the public on the scientific basics of stem cell research and the political issues surrounding it. Most importantly it asks hard questions: Does human life matter? Do the ends justify the means? Should science progress at all costs? The answers to these questions will impact us deep into the 21st century.
What People Are Saying:
“If you are looking for an antidote to the confusion surrounding the science and ethics of embryo stem cell research, Lines That Divide is the movie for you. It cuts through the hype and leaves you with the facts to be able to make informed policy decisions.”
John Cusey, former senior staff in the House
“Lines That Divide is a much needed tool for equipping concerned citizens with a comprehensive view of the science and ethics shaping the stem-cell debate today. The film spotlights the breakthroughs being made by adult stem-cell therapy—breakthroughs which are not receiving equal funding or equal media coverage. All of us who believe in supporting life should see this film and recommend it to others.”
Chuck Colson, Founder of Prison Fellowship
National Press Club, Washington, DC
Regeneration, Oakland, CA
TLN Television
The Vine Theater, Livermore, CA
Future Showings:
Berkeley, CA
BIOLA, La Mirada, CA
Boston College, Boston MA
Cambridge, MA
Chicago, IL
New York
Organize, Organize, Organize:
Organize a showing on a University campus or with a student group and we will send you a copy of free. Email us with your details.
Or, donate $100 to CBC’s work and we will send you a copy as well.
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