Dear friend and supporter of CBC,
Thankyou for your support! I’d like to tell you what we’ve been up to recently and give you an idea how your financial support is being used and if you’re not a supporter how your financial support can be used!
The summer months have come to an end and I hope you have enjoyed some lazy summer days with friends and family. During the past few months, we at the CBC have had some of our busiest days! The President’s vetoof H.R. 810, which would have provided more funds for destructive embryo research, kept our phones ringing as NPR, KSFO Talk Radio andPBS all called with in a matter of days. CBC continues to be a “go to”organization when big news breaks. PBS sent a film crew with their ‘Ethics and Religion’ program from Washington DC. They were filming astory on the ethics of egg donation and wanted our perspective. You canvisit our site to see the program.
We are contributing to the big cloning debate taking place right now in the show mestate of Missouri. Missouri is bringing a cloning initiative to theirvoters this November and I have done several radio and newspaper interviews to help Missourians know the truth about destructive human cloning research.
September already finds our calendar booked with activities and several speaking engagements. First, we have once again called for nominations to our Paul Ramsey Award. If you have anyone in mind, make a nomination today. I am very excited to be speaking at a national Eagle conference inWashington D.C. on embryonic stem cell research in just a few short weeks. And our whole board of directors met this last week together foran intensive time of strategic planning with a consulting group toposition CBC for the future. Several of our supporters gave extra gifts to allow for this important planning session to occur. I am anxious toshare with you what comes out of these meetings–so be looking out fora new and improved CBC!
In this special emailing we are including an example of how we are busy fulfilling our mission to defend human dignity at all stages of life — including the most vulnerable, frail and weak among us. Download (PDF brochure for your use) a CBC statement on Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) highlighting our 6000 souls campaign — a website we launched to help us all keep constant vigil over PAS legislation.
We have a voice in the media and culture today because of your help. Your support makes us a source to turn to when people needanswers to complex ethical questions or help to find speakers to address their organizations. With your support and donations we have the resources to maintain our website which increases in visits and subscriptions each and every day.
Summertime always is the leanest for those working in non-profitwork. The work goes on, day in and day out as the issues keep coming. We want to plan for 2007 now. We need to hire additional staff to meetthe ever-growing needs of CBC. Please support us today! Make a pledgenow for 2007 — and even better, become a monthly supporter, which really helps us to make long terms plans for the human future. There are many ways to give. CBC accepts stock and annuity gifts. Credit card gifts can be given on line. Many of our donors have employee matchinggift plans that allow you to have your gift to CBC doubled by your employer.
We are very thankful for your past and continued support and look forward to serving you in the months and years to come.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Lahl
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