When we launched the #StopSurrogacyNow project in 2015, our goal was to bring together and mobilize a global group of women and men who understood the harms of surrogacy and who would work to end the practice of surrogacy entirely.

One very important aspect of this worldwide work is making information about surrogacy as accessible as possible by making it available in as many languages as possible.

To that end, the #StopSurrogacyNow statement is available in eight languages: Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, 日本語 (Japanese), Norsk, and Svenska.

Over the past three years, we’ve added many resources to the #StopSurrogacyNow website in English, Español, Français, and Italiano.

subtitle options menuOur latest film, #BigFertility—which we released just last month—is already available with subtitles in English, Español, and Français (simply click the CC box in the lower right corner of the video to choose the subtitles), and translation into Italian is currently underway. The film has sold into a dozen countries in just a few short weeks.

We’ve had a number of requests to translate the film into other languages too. For as little as $500 we can translate, subtitle, and upload the subtitles so that we can reach many more around the world.

If you have a heart to reach a particular country or people who speak a particular language, consider a donation to cover these costs. We can make it happen in only a few days!

Jennifer attended a screening in France last month and she is in Spain this week for a screening. She is making plans to return to France next month as the French are fighting hard to keep surrogacy illegal there.

This is in addition to screenings here in the U.S. (including an upcoming screening at our offices in the Bay Area and in San Diego, CA).

A surrogate mom in Billings, Montana, reached out to us right after the film was released, asking us to come to her state to show #BigFertility there too. We have no connections in this area but if you know of anyone wanting to help organize and underwrite the costs to go to Billings, the surrogate has agreed to participate in a Q&A after the screening.

If you haven’t watched #BigFertility yet, you really must. Then you will understand why this film is so critical for Spain and France right now.

This weekend, one of our Facebook friends posted:

I just watched this new horrifying documentary Big Fertility: It’s All About the Money by the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network. The artificial reproductive technology industry is monstrously PREDATORY. Do support this film and I implore you, if you know of ANY young woman who is considering becoming a surrogate mother (especially if she is economically disadvantaged lured by the money) please MOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH to convince her NOT to do it. Maybe send her a copy of this film.

A friend from Spain posted on Twitter:

I wish I wasn’t that far, just came from Valladolid, impossible to make it for tomorrow to Madrid. I wish you all kind of success. This documentary must be shown and watched by everyone in this world. The truth must be told. Thank you very much for your work, absolutely necessary.

Long story short, your support of our work is making a difference on the issue of surrogacy, right now, in many parts of the world.

It is changing hearts and minds, it is motivating people to not only get involved in fighting surrogacy but also to spread the word of surrogacy’s harms and dangers to others, inviting them to become involved this global movement.

Friends, this work is making a difference! And it would not be happening if it wasn’t for your support and your encouragement. All of us at CBC are deeply grateful. Thank you!

Please give toward translation or toward more screenings today!

The Center for Bioethics and Culture is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit educational organization. All gifts are tax-deductible.

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