An All New Documentary Short Film

Maggie’s Story is now available on Amazon, FREE to Prime members.

For those who are Amazon Prime members, Maggie’s Story is FREE! Others may rent the film for $2.99 or purchase it for $9.99.

In putting Maggie’s Story on Amazon, we added closed captioning. For those who need or want to watch the film with captions, that is now an option.


This documentary short explores one woman’s journey through egg donation…and its consequences…

Maggie’s Story follows one woman’s journey of learning about “helping” others have a child they desperately want, what she discovered in becoming an egg donor, and the consequences that followed. Maggie was told how special she was, but she was never informed of the risks egg donation posed to her own health and well being. She was used repeatedly for others’ gain, but when things turned bad, she was left on her own to navigate tests, treatments, surgeries, and an unknown prognosis.

From The Center for Bioethics and Culture, producers of and the award-winning Eggsploitation (2010, 2013) Anonymous Father’s Day (2011), and Breeders: A Subclass of Women? (2014).

For more on the issue of egg donation

Our feature-length documentary Eggsploitation (on iTunesAmazonGooglePlay, and Xbox Video)
Worldwide Human Egg Laws
Egg “Donation” and Exploitation of Women
All posts on egg donation

Media and Press:

“The Dark Side of Third-Party Reproduction” Public Discourse
Press Release: “New Documentary Exposes the Exploitation of Another Egg ‘Donor’”
Media and press inquiries, contact:
Press Kit

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