Dear friends,

Spring has sprung and just as new life is growing up around us in nature, new things are happening at the Center for Bioethics and Culture!

Most recently, Jennifer and Kallie worked fast and furious to try to assist those in Wyoming in opposing House Bill 73, “Birth Certificates – Gestational Agreements.” This bill allows surrogate mothers to remain nameless, keeping them off of the birth certificates of the children they birth. The purpose of this bill was to “save time and money” for the people who have hired a surrogate, so they do not have to go through the adoption process to remove the birthmother’s name from the birth certificate. We worked with locals in Wyoming and urged lawmakers to allow us to present testimony based on our years of expertise and research into what gestational surrogacy means for the women who serve as surrogates and the children born of surrogacy contracts. Despite our efforts which included sending a letter to the Governor, urging him to veto the bill, he signed it into law. These losses sting for a moment, but then we pick ourselves back up and go straight back to work. This is why our work and your support are so especially important. Even in defeat, we must keep fighting. It has been said that, “Women are never so strong as after their defeat.” We agree.

Last month the application period for the Paul Ramsey Institute Fellowship closed. Now our team is processing applications and making the ever-difficult decision as to whom we can accept. We have many extremely qualified young men and women that are studying to become or are already serving the world as doctors, nurses, philosophers, and theologians! As many of you are aware, budget is always the limiting factor on the number of applications we can accept. Would you partner financially with us so that no qualified candidate is turned away?

Our current group of fellows is set to graduate this month after their final meeting with our Paul Ramsey award-winning Helen Alvaré, corresponding with our 2021 Paul Ramsey Award Dinner. Kallie, our new Executive Director, is one of 10 that will be joining the ranks of the Paul Ramsey Institute Alumni. Matthew Anderson and Dillon Stull, also graduating, will join Bryan Pilkington and Daniel Strand as Junior Scholars. As the Paul Ramsey Institute expands and grows, Junior Scholars will train to become Senior Scholars. This training program is one-of-a-kind and is changing the world. Not only is Dillon Stull graduating and joining our team of Junior Scholars, but he was recently offered an honored position in the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics Medical program! Join us in congratulating all of our fellows! This program thrives because of your giving.

Every spring we are reminded of the traditional Irish blessing: “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.” Thank you for having our back. Thank you for being the warm sun shining on the CBC.
Thank you,

Jennifer and Kallie

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