The Detransition Diaries is a documentary film that recounts the stories of three young women, who felt that their trauma and dysphoria would be fixed by trying to medically transition from female to male. Medical professionals, therapists, counselors, and even school officials affirmed that they were indeed ‘trans,’ but only once they started down this path, which promised to offer hope, they each came to realize that they had made a terrible decision.
Letter from the Merit of Awareness Festival:
Congratulations, Your film The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters has been chosen as an Merit of Awareness from the 2023 Festival Team. You are also an official VIRTUAL selection and are invited to have your film as a part of our VIRTUAL festival which will take place the month of October both during and after our festival. Your film will be available worldwide (you can have geo-blocking if necessary). Our partner is Entertainment Oxygen.
Your film WILL NOT BE SCREENED AS A SELECTION THIS YEAR IN-PERSON in LA, although if there are any openings in the schedule your film would be eligible, as a finalist you are being recognized with a Merit of Awareness (Honorable Mention) whether or not you accept the virtual screening opportunity or not.
Thank you for your meaningful film. We had a VERY large field of films to choose from and the competition was VERY steep. Be very proud of your film and efforts as we only award worthy merit winners! We wanted to recognize your film and your dedication to raising awareness.
You are granted one all access pass to the festival for your mention. This gains you access in person Los Angeles screenings and events. You may purchase a second pass at a discount.
There is also a ceremony for Merit Winners and you or a representative can be present in-person to receive the certificate. This is October 8, 2023 at 8PM PDT This is a great way to network with like-minded filmmakers and present your project.
Thank you for your important film!
Team Awareness
Click here for information on the Film Festival
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