We’ve recently updated our free Think Again study guide! If you’d like to introduce others to the issues surrounding third party reproduction, but aren’t sure how to open the discussion, this is a great place to start.

Think Again: A Study Guide on the Legal, Medical, and Ethical Questions of Third Party Reproduction is intended for a wide audience as we aim to meet the needs of high school groups, university students, law groups, church groups, and any other group interested in the issues of third party reproduction. Most importantly, the study guide is available for FREE in order to maximize distribution and use. You can download it here.

This study guide covers three broad aspects of third party reproduction: egg donation, sperm donation and surrogacy. In addition to providing an overview of each issue and links to additional resources, the study guide uses several of our films as a springboard for discussion.

All of these films have been translated into Spanish and Italian, and some into French and Japanese, but the study guide is currently only available in English. Your gift of $500 allows us to translate this important resource into different languages to reach global audiences alongside our films! All the documentaries referenced in the study guide are free with Amazon Prime, or available for rent/purchase through Vimeo, see links below.

Egg Donation

Eggsploitation: Watch on Amazon  |  Vimeo

Sperm Donation

Anonymous Father’s Day: Watch on Amazon  |  Vimeo


Breeders: A Subclass of Women: Watch on Amazon  |  Vimeo
#BigFertility: It’s All About the Money: Watch on Amazon  |  Vimeo

We encourage you to utilize this invaluable resource and let us know how it works. We will continue to update and modify this study guide as we gather additional resources or produce more films. And remember, if you’re interested in screening one of our films on your campus or for your organization, please do not hesitate to let us know!

The Center for Bioethics and Culture is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit educational organization. All gifts are tax-deductible.

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