Pro suicide Quebec, on the verge of legalizing doctor-prescribed death for some people, wants to fight suicide for other people. From the story:

Quebec’s suicide prevention association (AQPS) has started a campaign to mark the province’s 23rd suicide prevention week. “You’re important to us. Suicide is not an option” aims to sensitize public to the problem of suicide in the province. “The mobilization we’ve seen around suicide in the last 10 years is incredible,” said Bruno Marchand, the AQPS’s general director. “It’s incredible to see the number of businesses and organizations are doing their part to help advance the cause.” Marchand said he hopes the public health system will make suicide prevention a priority.

Not an option? The Quebec government is about to legalize assisted suicide as a splendid option for the seriously ill! Talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing!

Of course, Quebec can always solve that paradox by simply redefining suicide as something else, as Washington and Oregon have done. That might even temporarily reduce the rates since all won’t be counted. Lose, lose! Il n’y avait donc que des perdants.

Author Profile

Wesley J. Smith, J.D., Special Consultant to the CBC
Wesley J. Smith, J.D., Special Consultant to the CBC