In the first decision of its kind in Europe, Uk scientists are allowed to clone human embryo’s for therapeutic research.

Press release from CORE (Comment On Reproductive Ethics) read below

Human cloning goes ahead –
Tragic day for integrity of UK society and science

Exactly as anticipated, the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA), a fertility watchdog with little scientific expertise and absolutely none in diabetes, has rubber-stamped a cloning application from the University of Newcastle.

What can be said of a society which legalises destructive experiments on its own kind?, said a spokesperson for Comment on Reproductive Ethics (CORE). This is a tragic decision, which will result in further relentless destruction of early human life. In a country which ferociously fights for the rights of animals on an almost daily basis, it is frightening that we have absolutely no compassion for the human embryo.

The justification for this licence is vague and unscientific. The HFEA will not reveal who sits on their licensing committee, who peer reviews such applications, or the names of their experts in the field of diabetes. It is impossible for the public to know what is going on behind their sealed doors.

The human embryo is allegedly accorded some protection under UK law, but with the undemocratic HFEA as custodian of the embryo, there is little hope that it will ever be protected adequately. The HFEA is an organisation which never says No.

Majority world opinion is opposed to human cloning and a decision has yet to be taken at UN level. In some European countries (Italy, etc.) scientists would be imprisoned for doing what the HFEA has authorised today. Human cloning is about the future of mankind, and we need greater authority than an unelected government quango to determine what is right and what is wrong.

Along with other pro-life groups, CORE is taking legal advice as to the legality of the licence issued today. It is highly unlikely that this licence is either necessary or desirable. A Judicial Review is under consideration. End

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