As Jennifer and I prepare to go to Spain next month we are having some of our materials translated into Spanish. Our film Breeders: A Subclass of Women? has been available with Spanish subtitles for several months now. You can watch Criadoras:¿Una clase inferior de mujeres? on Vimeo and choose Spanish or English closed captioning. (Use code madrid for 25% off the rental or purchase price through March 31, 2017!)

Also, we prepared an eight minute video presenting an overview of the harms of surrogacy that we used for our events last week in New York. As of today that short film is available for free on our YouTube channel and/or embedded below. Both Spanish and English subtitles are available on it as well.

We are working on and will be announcing additional Spanish resources in the coming days and weeks.

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Matthew Eppinette, Director of Programs