

Over the past year the CBC team has been working to have our award-winning documentary film Eggsploitation translated into Italian. Our translators, Gianfranco Amato and Josephine Quintavalle, are sending me a DVD, and we can’t wait to see it.


Translating the film was a key part of responding to an invitation to show the film at The Meeting for Friendship Among the Peoples in Rimini, Italy, this August. More than 100,000 people are expected to attend the conference, so you can imagine how excited I am to go and show the film there. But I can’t do it without your help.


I’ve been checking on airfare and hotels, and I’m going to need at least $3,350 to cover everything. We’ve setup a campaign on Kickstarter to raise the money. Check out the reward levels — I think we’re offing some pretty good stuff — and hit the “Back This Project” button on Kickstarter.


We’ve done it before and we can do it again, with a little help from our friends.


Thank you,


Back This Project
Send Eggsploitation to Italy




Pledge $25 or More

Pledge $25 or more and I’ll send you a DVD of Eggsploitation and some love on our social media outlets (be sure to send us your address so we’ll know where to send the DVD).

Pledge $50 or More

Pledge $50 or more and you get a DVD of Eggsploitation and a DVD of my newest film, Anonymous Father’s Day, as well as a shout out on our social media outlets (be sure to send us your address so we’ll know where to send the DVDs).

Pledge $100 or More

Pledge $100 or more and you’ll get DVDs of all three of my films — Eggsploitation, Anonymous Father’s Day, and Lines That Divide — as well as love via our social media outlets (be sure to send us your address so we’ll know where to send the DVDs).

Pledge $500 or More

Pledge $500 or more and you’ll get all of the above plus a signed copy of the script (in English or Italian, you choose).

Pledge $1,000 or More

Pledge $1,000 or more, yup, all of the above and I’ll video chat with your group when you host a showing of any of our films. (I will work with you to find a time that’s acceptable for both of us).

Pledge $3,350 or More

Fully fund the trip, come visit me in the San Francisco Bay area, and I’ll take you to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. (Note: you must pay for your own travel and lodging, but I’ll buy dinner. I will work with you to find a time that’s acceptable for both of us.)

Pledge $6,700 or More

NOTE THIS REWARD HAS BEEN UPGRADED: Thanks to the generosity of a friend in San Francisco, if you give twice as much as we’ve budgeted for this trip (or more), you will be treated to a home-cooked Italian feast at a home in the Sea Cliff neighborhood featuring an amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Check out the view! (Note: you must pay for your own travel and lodging. We will work with you to find a time and date that’s acceptable to all involved.)


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