Tag: Theology and Human Nature

Living Souls

As a foundation for engaging with bioethical issues, it’s helpful to consider who and what we are as human beings. And because human persons are the subjects and objects of morality, how we understand our nature greatly...

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It’s hard to underestimate the task that we face. From a standing start in 1997, when the Dolly cloning announcement took a shocked world by storm, our civilization has begun to awaken from a dreadful slumber. The...

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When is a Person not a Person?

As one starts to look at the ongoing debates in bioethics, there seems to be a cacophony of voices and positions being broadcast with little common ground or basis heard. But once you scratch the surface of the various positions...

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Animal-Human Hybrids

Calum serves as Director of Research of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics in Edinburgh. Crossing the species barrier is a procedure that has always fascinated humanity. In antiquity, for example, centaurs (human-horse...

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