October is a great month to dream. It is the time to assess all that has been done and still needs to be done before the year ticks forward. And it is the time to envision what could be done in the new year.

Too soon? Not when you are working to change hearts and minds on topics at the forefront of the cultural zeitgeist

The new buzzword around us is “toxic empathy,” a concept developed where people’s kindness is exploited by those seeking to undermine common sense. At the CBC, we see this in surrogacy, where people think of surrogate mothers as a benevolent gift. The reality of surrogacy is that predatory agencies exploit women, treat children as a commodity, and create a society where people are completely disconnected from their biology.

The fight to protect women and children and to educate the public on the ethics of surrogacy was never going to be a quick battle. The money behind third-party reproduction far surpasses what small nonprofits have in their coffers – but the battle is necessary and it must be won. As we say, it is for our shared human future!

Your support is essential to our mission.

We are working towards establishing an endowment to fund our Paul Ramsey Institute. The PRI, which is the educational initiative of the CBC, is a wholly unique institution. For the past 12 years, the PRI has been training the best and brightest in the fields of ethics, medicine, law, theology, and philosophy, to study under the tutelage of world-class bioethics professors and leaders.

This, of course, is a larger request, as we are looking to raise $5 million. An endowment would assist us in the long-term planning for the PRI, which includes the ongoing relationship with our fellows as they move on to be Alumni working towards protecting bioethics in the legal, medical, and academic world. Please think of ways you or like-minded individuals and organizations could contribute to our efforts to leave a forever legacy with the CBC through the PRI.

You can always support the CBC’s work through a one-time gift, monthly giving, a gift of stock, or a grant from a Donor Advised Fund. Your gifts make our work possible!

We are always grateful when our supporters contact us to talk about our work. Even better, if you would like us to host a local event in your area, please reach out any time. You can become a part of our efforts to promote the CBC locally and worldwide!

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