What a year 2022 has been! This year was the first time in a while that I had no trouble finding winners for my annual list! My winner list could have easily included so many more examples of people doing good things, important work, and advancing causes that promote the dignity and the wellbeing of people. Maybe that is a hopeful sign that the tides are turning.
Reach out and let me know if you agree with my picks.
Kellie-Jay Keen, British Women’s Rights Campaigner has literally reached the world with her “Let Women Speak” campaign. A few years ago, Kellie-Jay was part of a mother’s group on MumsNet, when she discovered “trans women” (aka men) – were part of the group. She protested that “men can’t be women” and was booted out. As they say, the rest is history. She’s fearless, courageous, and in her own words, “never loses.” Brava, Kellie-Jay for opposing trans ideology that cheats women and girls!
Allie Beth Stuckey, podcast host of Relatable boldly took on surrogacy, egg “donation”, and freezing embryos. As a three-time invited guest on her show in 2022, it was evident that the conservative, religious right is finally waking up to the horrors of third party reproductive technologies.
Thank you, Allie Beth, for amplifying the message of the CBC, to stop surrogacy and egg harvesting practices.
Our detrans sisters, not only those in our latest film, The Detranisition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters, but so many others, too numerous to count! Women like Chloe and Rachel, Sinead and Michelle, who are boldly speaking out, testifying at legislative hearings, and even suing their healthcare professionals who did harmful surgeries on their bodies.
We applaud you all!
A well-deserved shout-out to parent-led groups, trying to save their children from the trans cult, from political leaders, and established medical societies have organized to show-up and demand children not have their puberty blocked, be put on cross-sex hormones, or given destructive surgeries. Groups like Our Duty, Parents With Inconvenient Trusts About Trans (PITT), and Partners for Ethical Care (PEC) are doing the hard and vital work to protect children.
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) did the right thing after their members expressed displeasure that in the 2022 Holiday Edition magazine, they included a surrogacy ad, suggesting women could help other women achieve motherhood by renting out their wombs. I wasted no time connecting with the leadership to educate them on the risks/harms of surrogacy. Fortunately, MOPS publicly said, “We want to apologize for our choice to run the ad and commit to not offering sponsorship opportunities to surrogacy organizations in the future.” It’s often not easy to admit when a mistake has been made, so we applaud MOPS for having the integrity to do so.
Genevieve Gluck, co-founder of Reduxx, a new online site that dares to go where most won’t in deep dive investigative journalism.
Whether it’s digging into the underbelly of pornography or exposing sexual predators, this is a news site doing significant work in protecting women and children. Genevieve is a friend and has been a guest on our Venus Rising podcast, talking about her work.
Dave Rubin and his husband David Janet for having babies through surrogacy and egg “donation”. Dave, a darling in the conservative right movement, announced that they were going to become parents to two babies. A photo of each of the Daves, holding up ultrasound images of their babies, show Rubin’s baby was due August 8, 2022 and Janet’s baby due October 14, 2022. From their own story, they used the same woman’s eggs, but each of them used their own sperm to create embryos to insert into two different mothers’ wombs. We are deeply troubled by their doubling down on their exploitation of women and babies.
He Jiankui is out raising money to build his lab, after serving three years in prison, in China. His punishable offense was using gene-editing CRISPR technology, which has been condemned by the international scientific community, because of serious safety concerns. He Jiankui produced the first CRISPR babies. First, a set of twins, and then a single baby. His new goal is to develop affordable therapies for genetic diseases. Top on his list is Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We support new therapies to treat and cure disease, but what we can’t support are dangerous experimental therapies.
Governor Gavin Newsom and Scott Weiner, California State Senator (D), share loser status for their roles in passing SB 107, the “gender affirming health care” bill and SB 923, the Transgender Inclusive Health Care bill. These two men have enshrined laws that put gender dysphoric children at risk and enables minors to travel to California for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital surgeries. California already has a 4.5 million reparations fund to pay victims of our dark history of involuntary sterilization. Through the passages of these laws we are setting the state up to have to pay reparations to the tens of thousands of people harmed by “gender affirmation care.”
During the global Covid pandemic, we watched in horror as babies born of surrogacy were stranded for months due to travel bans. Countries like Cambodia, with weak surrogacy laws that actually punish the impoverished women who choose surrogacy as a means of making money are losers to us. Hun Daneth, a poor Cambodian woman gave birth to a little boy for a Chinese man. She is now left caring for the boy or else go to jail. The Chinese man is serving 15 years in prison for human trafficking and surrogacy violations are tied to their trafficking laws. The only solution is a global ban on all surrogacy.
Joe Biden wasted no time on day one on the job as Commander-in-Chief by signing an executive order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation. Since he campaigned on passing the Equality Act, this was no surprise. He only further doubles down by placing key people in White House positions like Dr. Rachel Levine, and the now furloughed Sam Brinton. Oh, and he invited “trans woman” Amy Schneider, the famous Jeopardy winner, to speak at the People’s House for International Transgender Visibility Day!
Ulta Beauty took a lot of heat for inviting ‘trans influencer’ Dylan Mulvaney to serve as a model for their cosmetics and also being an invited guest on their company podcast to discuss femininity. Imagine that, having a man to discuss what it means to be feminine and female. Mulvaney boasts some 9 plus million followers on his TikTok account, where he chronicles each day of “being a girl”. At the time of this writing he’s on day 290 and has just had plastic surgery to feminize his facial features.
Author Profile
- Jennifer Lahl, MA, BSN, RN, is founder and president of The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network. Lahl couples her 25 years of experience as a pediatric critical care nurse, a hospital administrator, and a senior-level nursing manager with a deep passion to speak for those who have no voice. Lahl’s writings have appeared in various publications including Cambridge University Press, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Dallas Morning News, and the American Journal of Bioethics. As a field expert, she is routinely interviewed on radio and television including ABC, CBS, PBS, and NPR. She is also called upon to speak alongside lawmakers and members of the scientific community, even being invited to speak to members of the European Parliament in Brussels to address issues of egg trafficking; she has three times addressed the United Nations during the Commission on the Status of Women on egg and womb trafficking.
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