As a large part of the world is increasingly quarantined or told to stay at home, we thought now might be a good time to send you some links to relevant podcasts to listen to over at Venus Rising! Stuck inside?  Listen to these informative podcasts.

  • If you’re a book worm, an aspiring writer, a feminist, or any combination,  then this two-for-one episode is for you! Today we have the privilege of speaking with two radically brilliant women in one 45-minute episode. Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein join Jennifer Lahl, founding member of StopSurrogacyNow to talk about their journey creating and running an award-winning independent feminist press. Spinifex Press, founded in 1991, is an independent feminist book publisher, based in Australia, that publishes innovative and controversial feminist books with an optimistic edge. 
  • On Venus Rising we talk a lot about surrogacy, but we haven’t brought you a real, honest interview with a woman who’s living the life of a surrogate. All of that changes today. ‘Lynn’, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, sits down for an authentic discussion about her ongoing experience as a commercial gestational surrogate. What started as a desire to help others has morphed into an experience that has risked her health and left her with worry. We share her story because we know the risks, we know the dangers, and we know that many more ‘Lynn’s’ exist. We want to give them all a voice and an opportunity to share their story. 
  • In this episode we travel to Canada to speak with Alison Motluk, a Toronto-based journalist with a special interest in reproductive technology. Alison writes on a broad category of topics and issues, but today we talk to her about third-party reproduction and the changes in Canada’s Human Reproduction Act. Alison’s written in publications such as New Scientist, The Economist and the Globe and Mail. Alison also has a weekly email newsletter called HeyReprotech.  

You can now find Venus Rising on your favorite streaming platform. That’s right, you can listen to past and current episodes of Venus Rising on SpotifyGoogle PlayPodomatic, and even iTunes!!! Be sure to tune in and give one or all of our episodes a listen, and share them with your friends. Have questions about something you heard on Venus Rising? Have a comment or suggestion? We’d love to hear from you.

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