We’re using #TBT (Throw Back Thursday) to count down the top ten all time most popular posts here at CBC-Network.org.

This week’s entry, #8, is from May 2012, just after Mitt and Ann Romney welcomed two grandchildren via “gestational surrogacy.” Jennifer Lahl, CBC President, used the occasion as an opportunity to write an introduction to and overview of the practice and (big) business of surrogacy.

The post’s presence on this top ten list is testament to its clarity and power. Take a look at “Money Changes Everything” and see for yourself:

When the news broke that Mitt and Ann Romney welcomed grandchildren numbers 17 and 18 this past Friday via “gestational surrogacy,” those of us here at CBC central—who oppose commercialized conception—wondered where the bottom is in these murky waters of assisted reproduction . . .


Top Ten Most Popular Posts
10. “Babies without Sex” by Jennifer Lahl, March 2012
9. The Giver and Our Not So Dystopian Society” by Christopher White, August 2014
8. “Money Changes Everything” by Jennifer Lahl, May 2012
7. 11/13/2014
6. 11/20/2014
5. 11/27/2014
4. 12/04/2014
3. 12/11/2014
2. 12/18/2014
1. 12/25/2014

Author Profile

Matthew Eppinette, Director of Programs