The Quebec Parliament is debating one of the most radical euthanasia bills I have ever seen. How radical? It mandates that doctors do — or be complicit in — the euthanizing.
In the face of this madness, a palliative care nurse named Jean Echlin asks a cogent question: “What kind of society are we becoming?” From, “Societal Psychosis,” published in the Windsor Star:
What kind of a society are we becoming? I question the existence of a societal psychosis, characterized by a break with reality and deviation from normal thought processes.
We abandon the notion of executing our most heinous criminals and now appear to be accepting the idea of executing our most vulnerable citizens. We provide our criminals with good medical, occupational, entertainment and educational programs for their betterment. In the case of our elderly we often fail miserably at providing them with quality of life in our health-care institutions. Many label our elderly and persons with disabilities, including children, as “lives not worth living.”
In addition this applies to persons with mental health issues. These are the ones at high risk for abuse if euthanasia is introduced.
Echlin has it nailed. Euthanasia is abandonment wrapped in a ribbon of supposed compassion.
But to answer her question: We are becoming a killing kind of society.
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