When Chloe Levine was just 9 months old her parents noticed that she didn’t use her right hand to hold her bottle. Then they noticed she wasn’t crawling and instead chose to bounce herself around using her weaker right leg only as a prop. At 12 months of age, a cat scan revealed her left side of her brain had not developed properly and she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Jenny Levine, Chloe’s mother, had the typical motherly anxiety about having a healthy baby and right before Chloe’s birth, Jenny and her husband Ryan, made the decision to bank Chloe’s cord blood. This decision gave Chloe a second chance on a healthy normal life when they learned of a study taking place at Duke University led by Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg.

Watch this video interview with Chloe’s parents!

Register now and join us May 2, 2009 for our Banking on Life Conference where you will hear from the Chloe’s mom and learn from the experts including:

You will also:

  • Learn from the leaders and experts in the field of cord blood research
  • Network with others involved in cord blood banking
  • Earn continuing medical credit for doctors and nurses
  • Meet patient advocates working for those who will benefit from cord blood research and therapies

We must promote banking of cord blood, encourage funding of research using cord blood stem cells and raise awareness of the many diseases where cord blood is helping patients today! So please, join us on May 2, 2009, for Banking on Life: Cord Blood Stem Cells – the Future of Regenerative Medicine. Register now as space is limited.

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