Is the title of a book which says, “no man – no problem” and is marketed as a “Tell All Guide to Becoming a Single Mom”. Not a how to be a single mom book, but a how to become a single mom.
For those women whose biological clock is tick tick ticking, this book tells all about artificial insemination, picking your sperm donor and ordering your sperm on line and getting it in the mail and all the Emily Post etiquette rules like “How to tell your date” and “How to tell your parents” about your pregnancy.
Some of us aren’t so happy that pregnancy, parenting and motherhood is happening without the need for men and fathers and husbands.
There is quite a bit of controversy on this topic in the U.K. as children’s birth certificates are being changed to indicate “Parent 1” and “Parent 2” versus “mother” and “father”. One telling UK statistic is this:
“The number of women in England and Wales not registering the father’s name on the birth certificate has risen from 28,000 in 1988 to nearly 50,000 in 2006. Last year, one in seven left the box under ‘Father’ blank.”
Author Profile
- Jennifer Lahl, MA, BSN, RN, is founder and president of The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network. Lahl couples her 25 years of experience as a pediatric critical care nurse, a hospital administrator, and a senior-level nursing manager with a deep passion to speak for those who have no voice. Lahl’s writings have appeared in various publications including Cambridge University Press, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Dallas Morning News, and the American Journal of Bioethics. As a field expert, she is routinely interviewed on radio and television including ABC, CBS, PBS, and NPR. She is also called upon to speak alongside lawmakers and members of the scientific community, even being invited to speak to members of the European Parliament in Brussels to address issues of egg trafficking; she has three times addressed the United Nations during the Commission on the Status of Women on egg and womb trafficking.
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